Stephen M. LaFlamme Earns Lunar CertificateDecember 1998 - A hearty congratulation goes to Stephen M. LaFlamme of Bridgewater, MA, for earning the Astronomical League's Lunar Club Certificate. Stephen observed 100 features on the moon, using his naked eye, 10x50 binoculars and a Celestron C-11 Schmitt-Cassegrain telescope. Nice job, Stephen, we are proud of you. Isaac Kikawada Earns Double Star CertificateSeptember 1998 - A hearty congratulation goes to Isaac M. Kikawada of Mountain View, CA, for earning the Astronomical League's Double Star Club Certificate. Isaac observed 100 double or multiple systems using a 70MM Pronto refractor. As you can see, Isaac got his certificate the hard way: he earned it. Nice job, Isaac, we are proud of you. David Hasenauer Earns Double Star CertificateSeptember 1998 - Also this month, I would like to recognize AAAA member David Hasenauer of Pasadena, CA, for his being awarded the Astronomical League's Double Star Club Certificate. David is an accomplished observer in many areas of amateur astronomy, and again proves this by observing 100 double star systems using a 17 and 1/2 inch Dobsonian. What is really impressive is that David has observed the triple system Gamma Andromedae using the 100-inch Hooker Telescope on top of Mount Wilson, CA. We are proud to have David as a member of our club. Ed Flaspoehler Receives Southern Skies Binocular CertificateJune 1998 - That’s right. Our own Vice-President and Editor, Ed Flaspoehler of Dallas, TX, earned his Southern Skies Binocular Club Certificate. When Ed went to observe the February 26 Total Solar Eclipse in Venezuela, he made a side trip to Angel Falls. There he took advantage of those southern skies and dark nights to observe 50 southern hemisphere objects using 10X50 binoculars. As you can see, Ed is one who practices what he preaches. Way to go, Ed. We love it. Richard Adduci Receives the Lunar Club CertificateMarch 1998 - New AAAA member Richard Adduci, from Eagle, Wisconsin, just received the A.L. Lunar Club Certificate. Richard used his naked eye, 11x80 binoculars, and a 12-inch S/C telescope to observe the 100 lunar features in the program. Way to go, Richard. We are proud of you. J.W. Van Wyngarden Earns Binocular Messier Club CertificateMarch 1998 - A hearty congratulations go to AAAA member Jerry Van Wyngarden of Ajo, Arizona for earning the A.L. Binocular Messier Club Certificate. Jerry used 10x70 binoculars to observe over 50 Messier objects. Must be nice to have those dark Arizona skies in your own backyard. Nice going, Jerry. AAAA Members: When you have completed your AL observing projects, don’t forget to submit your observation logs to the AAAA for official certification. Be sure to send copies of your records only. Do NOT send originals of your observing logs. If you are a newcomer to the hobby of astronomy, and have questions about equipment, eyepieces, telescopes, or astronomy in general, let us know and we will try to answer your questions, or find someone who does know. Send or e-mail your questions to Newbie News, AAAA, P.O. Box 7981, Dallas, TX 75209-0981, or send your e-mail to aaaa@astromax.com. If your sleep patterns, complexion, and aversion to white light