Benefits of Membership
in the Astronomical League
Your member society pays $10 per
year, and you pay $5.00 per year through your society's
dues, to join the Astronomical League and receive the
following benefits.
REFLECTOR - Quarterly newsletter sent to each member of the AL. As a member,
you are entitled to submit for consideration of publication special club activities and astronomically related
work you are doing, including astrophotographs.
OBSERVING AWARDS - Messier, Herschel 400, Herschel II, Binocular Messier,
Binocular Deep-Sky, Double Star, Southern Skies, Urban, Lunar, and Meteor Awards with certificates of achievement.
LEAGUE BOOK SERVICE - A 10 per cent discount or more on all astronomical and
related science books published in the U.S. It also handles quantity orders of all League Publications at a discount.
LEAGUE SALES OFFICE - Retail sales on League publications, AL jewelry, decals,
T-shirts, postcards, etc.
LEAGUE PUBLICATIONS - As an aid to the observer and student, the League offers
these and other publications through the League Sales Office:
OBSERVE: a Guide to the Messier Objects OBSERVE: and Understand the Sun OBSERVE: the Herschel Objects OBSERVE: Eclipses OBSERVE: the Meteors Math for the Amateur Astronomer
PAMPHLETS & ASTRONOTES - How to Organize an Astronomy Society, and other
useful topics, available from Astronomical League Sales
EDUCATIONAL GUIDES - Planned astronomy courses and guides prepared for group
ECLIPSE TRIPS - Professionally organized and escorted eclipse trips allow
League members to safely and comfortably travel to remote areas to observe.
AL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE - For active amateur astronomers who do not belong
to a League member society.
GENERAL AWARDS - Achievement awards at the junior, society, and national League
levels, including the National Outstanding Young Astronomer Award.
LIABILITY INSURANCE - The Club and Chapter Liability Insurance Program provides
comprehensive protection for acts committed by members working for the chapter and under its direction. Enroll
directly with the insurance company.
The Astronomical League is a not-for-profit alliance of amateur astronomical
societies whose purpose is:
To promote the science of astronomy:
- By fostering astronomical education;
- By providing incentives for astronomical observation and research; and
- By assisting communication among amateur astronomical societies.
The Astronomical Leagues is composed of over 232 local amateur astronomical societies, with more than 16,000
individual members from all across the United States. These organizations, along with our Members-at-Large, Patrons,
and Supporting members, form one of the largest amateur astronomical organizations in the world. Our basic goal
is to encourage an interest in astronomy (and especially amateur astronomy) throughout America. We do this through
educational and observational programs for the amateur astronomer.
The American Association of Amateur Astronomers
supports The Astronomical