The American Association of Amateur Astronomers


Weighing Jupiter
Eugene Lanning

 Project Jupiter
Eyepiece Method

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Serving the Amateur Astronomy Community ONLINE since 1996

I. Purpose
II. Background
III. Orbits
IV. Period  Determination
V. Methods
VI. Kepler's Laws
VII. Observing Suggestions
IX. Data Processing
X. Observer's Data Results
XI. Other Quad-A Results
XII. Conclusions
XIII. Attachments

This Project Jupiter Report was prepared by
Mizar Consulting
Eugene A. Lanning
130 Hillside Terrace
Nebraska City, NE
Member of AAAA

The American Association of Amateur Astronomers
P.O. Box 7981
Dallas, TX

Project Jupiter

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VIII. Data Gathering Methods

D. Astrometric Eyepiece Method

1. Accuracy

The basic techniques used here is the calibration of a reticle eyepiece to enhance the capability to measure separations that are normally only estimated.

2. Basics

The observer may use the Meade Corporation Astrometric eyepiece 15 or the Celestron Micro-Guide Eyepiece 16 to make the needed measurements. Rather than purchasing one of those eyepieces, see if another member of your local astronomy club would be willing to loan you one for this project.

The reticle markings in the Meade advanced eyepiece are:

Where Î is the linear scale that, when calibrated, is used to measure separations of objects, Ï is the semicircular Position Angle Scale, Ð is the 360° Position Angle scale, and Ñ is a Double Crossline/Concentric Circle area used for guiding.

During each observing session the observer takes measurements of the distance between moons of Jupiter and the center of the Jupiter image. Each measurement is then used as one data point in the Jupiter Project data analysis.

3. Equipment Selection

Because the separation of the satellite in any given observation is to be compared to other observations, there is a need to have a consistent calibration from one observation to the next. The observer needs to select equipment that as that enables the maximum separation of the moon to be still in the FOV during subsequent observations without having to change your equipment.

4. Reticle Scale

It is helpful if the field of the linear scale in your eyepiece is determined before the observing sessions begin. This is a required step before data submission to maximize the use of the calibrated eyepiece.

Provide the calibration ratio of the arc-seconds per Astro-Metric Unit (AMU) on the data sheet. Also, provide as a separate attachment the calibration effort (position of reference star & timings ) for the eyepiece ( 17 ).

The use of a Barlow to make more accurate measurements when the Moons are close to Jupiter is encouraged.

5. Data Logging

Measure the separation of the selected Moon from the center of Jupiter on each on each observing session. It is recommended that the scale units be recorded, as that "raw" data will be multiplied by the scale factor within the EXCEL program. Avoid the tendency to "smooth" the raw data at this stage. If on observation #3 the separation is 15 reticle units, on observation #4 it is 14 units, and on observation #5 it is 16 units, that is OK. Report the data as measured. For each observation, record the separation measurement ( in scale units ) on a separate line on the data sheet (Attachment A).

Also, on one session, record on Attachment A the diameter of Jupiter, in reticle scale units.

If a Barlow lens is utilized for some observations, please annotate Attachment A with the additional magnification used.

17 Mizar Consulting has generated a spreadsheet for this purpose. The spreadsheet evaluates the declinations and makes corrections, reviews the data for consistency, and produces a statistical analysis of the calibration effort. Contact Mizar Consulting to obtain a free copy.

[I. Purpose]
[II. Background]
[III. Orbits]
[IV. Period  Determination]
[V. Methods]
[VI. Kepler's Laws]
[VII. Observing Suggestions]
[VIII. Data Gathering]
[IX. Data Processing]
[X. Observer's Data Results]
[XI. Other Quad-A Results]
[XII. Conclusions]
[XIII. Attachments]
[Jupiter Diameter Method]
[Sketch Method]
[CCD Imaging Method]
[Eyepiece Method]


The image of Jupiter on the Project Jupiter cover page is courtesy of AAAA member Charlie Warren of Texas. Used by permission. Jupiter and three of its moons - right to left are the moons Europa, Io and Ganymede. Callisto is not on the image. CCD Image taken February 2, 2002.

The American Association of Amateur Astronomers
P.O. Box 7981
Dallas, TX 75209-0981